In the north of the Shire there are two great waterfalls, right after each other. This lovely landscape is worth to investigate and a trip to the highest waterfall is a real adventure!
Today i was accompanied by a you traveller, called Ulis, and we gathered near the ruin of Bindbole.
The ruin of Bindbole |
The ruin of Bindbole is easy accessible and if you go from that point to the east, you will encounter after some minutes a lovely stream with two waterfalls.
At the foot of the waterfall of Bindbole |
Somewhere at the waterfall of Bindbole you can climb the rocks and you will end up above the waterfall. First we decided to go west, just to view our starting point at the ruin of Bindbole Wood. Its a beautiful place and from a distance it looks like an old temple from the past. Its sad to see such a splendid building of the past in total ruin. But alas, time flies, they say... And that time kills everything in the end, is clearly visible at the Bindbole ruin.
Bindbole ruin from a distance |
If you are fond of ruins you can even travel some miles to west and - west of Bindbole Ruins - you will encounter a much smaller ruin, sitting on the edge of a rock-wall. Only daredevil's can reach that tiny ruin, and it is a hazardous climb to reach that high and desolate spot. Its a round stone circle, with three broken pillars, and you can find it near a spider invested grove called Lobs' Grove. I never found any spiders there, but the sight above Lobs Grove looks awfully sticky!
The ruin near Lobs Grove, west of the Bindbole forest ruin |
Ah well, time to go east again. Let's not be distracted by some old stone circle near the spider's grove, let's go to Bindbole's waterfall!
First you have to cross the river and climb the wall, as seen in this picture here. After that you can climb the whole perimeter encircling Bindbole forest, Goblins Grove and even a peek at Brockenborings in the Greenfields!
At the top of the stony rim you have a beautiful view towards Bindbole Woord. The river was wriggling like a silver snake through the pine-forest, and if you follow that direction you can even get a glimpse of Rushock Bog. Its a really impressive sight from high above.
The two waterfalls flow to the west, right trough Bindbole Wood |
If you go to the west again you can travel the whole northern mountain-ridge, which is keeping the Shire away from the haunting ruins of Evendim. Alas, you cannot cross this rim, due to an invisible wall. But, with some determination you can travel to the Pinglade Dourhand Camp, jump over the wooden palisade and go right to Needlehole. The only disadvantage is, that you can only travel a small strip of the rocky hill. The whole norther mountain range is shielded massively by lots of invisible walls.If someone can sneak past these walls, keep me informed!
Looking towards Bindbole Wood with a silverwhite river |
The eastern edge of Rushock Bog, seen from above |
Rushock Bog seen from the hills of Evendim |
A curious evil dwarf settlement called Pinglade |
Needlehole bridge, end of our voyage to the west! |